63 research outputs found

    Architectures d'apprentissage profond pour la reconnaissance d'actions humaines dans des séquences vidéo RGB-D monoculaires. Application à la surveillance dans les transports publics

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    Cette thèse porte sur la reconnaissance d'actions humaines dans des séquences vidéo RGB-D monoculaires. La question principale est, à partir d'une vidéo ou d'une séquence d'images donnée, de savoir comment reconnaître des actions particulières qui se produisent. Cette tâche est importante et est un défi majeur à cause d'un certain nombre de verrous scientifiques induits par la variabilité des conditions d'acquisition, comme l'éclairage, la position, l'orientation et le champ de vue de la caméra, ainsi que par la variabilité de la réalisation des actions, notamment de leur vitesse d'exécution. Pour surmonter certaines de ces difficultés, dans un premier temps, nous examinons et évaluons les techniques les plus récentes pour la reconnaissance d'actions dans des vidéos. Nous proposons ensuite une nouvelle approche basée sur des réseaux de neurones profonds pour la reconnaissance d'actions humaines à partir de séquences de squelettes 3D. Deux questions clés ont été traitées. Tout d'abord, comment représenter la dynamique spatio-temporelle d'une séquence de squelettes pour exploiter efficacement la capacité d'apprentissage des représentations de haut niveau des réseaux de neurones convolutifs (CNNs ou ConvNets). Ensuite, comment concevoir une architecture de CNN capable d'apprendre des caractéristiques spatio-temporelles discriminantes à partir de la représentation proposée dans un objectif de classification. Pour cela, nous introduisons deux nouvelles représentations du mouvement 3D basées sur des squelettes, appelées SPMF (Skeleton Posture-Motion Feature) et Enhanced-SPMF, qui encodent les postures et les mouvements humains extraits des séquences de squelettes sous la forme d'images couleur RGB. Pour les tâches d'apprentissage et de classification, nous proposons différentes architectures de CNNs, qui sont basées sur les modèles Residual Network (ResNet), Inception-ResNet-v2, Densely Connected Convolutional Network (DenseNet) et Efficient Neural Architecture Search (ENAS), pour extraire des caractéristiques robustes de la représentation sous forme d'image que nous proposons et pour les classer. Les résultats expérimentaux sur des bases de données publiques (MSR Action3D, Kinect Activity Recognition Dataset, SBU Kinect Interaction, et NTU-RGB+D) montrent que notre approche surpasse les méthodes de l'état de l'art. Nous proposons également une nouvelle technique pour l'estimation de postures humaines à partir d'une vidéo RGB. Pour cela, le modèle d'apprentissage profond appelé OpenPose est utilisé pour détecter les personnes et extraire leur posture en 2D. Un réseau de neurones profond est ensuite proposé pour apprendre la transformation permettant de reconstruire ces postures en trois dimensions. Les résultats expérimentaux sur la base de données Human3.6M montrent l'efficacité de la méthode proposée. Ces résultats ouvrent des perspectives pour une approche de la reconnaissance d'actions humaines à partir des séquences de squelettes 3D sans utiliser des capteurs de profondeur comme la Kinect. Nous avons également constitué la base CEMEST, une nouvelle base de données RGB-D illustrant des comportements de passagers dans les transports publics. Elle contient 203 vidéos de surveillance collectées dans une station du métro incluant des événements "normaux" et "anormaux". Nous avons obtenu des résultats prometteurs sur cette base en utilisant des techniques d'augmentation de données et de transfert d'apprentissage. Notre approche permet de concevoir des applications basées sur des techniques de l'apprentissage profond pour renforcer la qualité des services de transport en commun.This thesis is dealing with automatic recognition of human actions from monocular RGB-D video sequences. Our main goal is to recognize which human actions occur in unknown videos. This problem is a challenging task due to a number of obstacles caused by the variability of the acquisition conditions, including the lighting, the position, the orientation and the field of view of the camera, as well as the variability of actions which can be performed differently, notably in terms of speed. To tackle these problems, we first review and evaluate the most prominent state-of-the-art techniques to identify the current state of human action recognition in videos. We then propose a new approach for skeleton-based action recognition using Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). Two key questions have been addressed. First, how to efficiently represent the spatio-temporal patterns of skeletal data for fully exploiting the capacity in learning high-level representations of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (D-CNNs). Second, how to design a powerful D-CNN architecture that is able to learn discriminative features from the proposed representation for classification task. As a result, we introduce two new 3D motion representations called SPMF (Skeleton Posture-Motion Feature) and Enhanced-SPMF that encode skeleton poses and their motions into color images. For learning and classification tasks, we design and train different D-CNN architectures based on the Residual Network (ResNet), Inception-ResNet-v2, Densely Connected Convolutional Network (DenseNet) and Efficient Neural Architecture Search (ENAS) to extract robust features from color-coded images and classify them. Experimental results on various public and challenging human action recognition datasets (MSR Action3D, Kinect Activity Recognition Dataset, SBU Kinect Interaction, and NTU-RGB+D) show that the proposed approach outperforms current state-of-the-art. We also conducted research on the problem of 3D human pose estimation from monocular RGB video sequences and exploited the estimated 3D poses for recognition task. Specifically, a deep learning-based model called OpenPose is deployed to detect 2D human poses. A DNN is then proposed and trained for learning a 2D-to-3D mapping in order to map the detected 2D keypoints into 3D poses. Our experiments on the Human3.6M dataset verified the effectiveness of the proposed method. These obtained results allow opening a new research direction for human action recognition from 3D skeletal data, when the depth cameras are failing. In addition, we collect and introduce in this thesis, CEMEST database, a new RGB-D dataset depicting passengers' behaviors in public transport. It consists of 203 untrimmed real-world surveillance videos of realistic "normal" and "abnormal" events. We achieve promising results on CEMEST with the support of data augmentation and transfer learning techniques. This enables the construction of real-world applications based on deep learning for enhancing public transportation management services

    Real-Time Obstacle Detection System in Indoor Environment for the Visually Impaired Using Microsoft Kinect Sensor

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    Any mobility aid for the visually impaired people should be able to accurately detect and warn about nearly obstacles. In this paper, we present a method for support system to detect obstacle in indoor environment based on Kinect sensor and 3D-image processing. Color-Depth data of the scene in front of the user is collected using the Kinect with the support of the standard framework for 3D sensing OpenNI and processed by PCL library to extract accurate 3D information of the obstacles. The experiments have been performed with the dataset in multiple indoor scenarios and in different lighting conditions. Results showed that our system is able to accurately detect the four types of obstacle: walls, doors, stairs, and a residual class that covers loose obstacles on the floor. Precisely, walls and loose obstacles on the floor are detected in practically all cases, whereas doors are detected in 90.69% out of 43 positive image samples. For the step detection, we have correctly detected the upstairs in 97.33% out of 75 positive images while the correct rate of downstairs detection is lower with 89.47% from 38 positive images. Our method further allows the computation of the distance between the user and the obstacles

    Deployment and validation of an AI system for detecting abnormal chest radiographs in clinical settings

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    BackgroundThe purpose of this paper is to demonstrate a mechanism for deploying and validating an AI-based system for detecting abnormalities on chest X-ray scans at the Phu Tho General Hospital, Vietnam. We aim to investigate the performance of the system in real-world clinical settings and compare its effectiveness to the in-lab performance.MethodThe AI system was directly integrated into the Hospital's Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) after being trained on a fixed annotated dataset from other sources. The system's performance was prospectively measured by matching and comparing the AI results with the radiology reports of 6,285 chest X-ray examinations extracted from the Hospital Information System (HIS) over the last 2 months of 2020. The normal/abnormal status of a radiology report was determined by a set of rules and served as the ground truth.ResultsOur system achieves an F1 score—the harmonic average of the recall and the precision—of 0.653 (95% CI 0.635, 0.671) for detecting any abnormalities on chest X-rays. This corresponds to an accuracy of 79.6%, a sensitivity of 68.6%, and a specificity of 83.9%.ConclusionsComputer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) systems for chest radiographs using artificial intelligence (AI) have recently shown great potential as a second opinion for radiologists. However, the performances of such systems were mostly evaluated on a fixed dataset in a retrospective manner and, thus, far from the real performances in clinical practice. Despite a significant drop from the in-lab performance, our result establishes a reasonable level of confidence in applying such a system in real-life situations

    Enhancing Few-shot Image Classification with Cosine Transformer

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    This paper addresses the few-shot image classification problem, where the classification task is performed on unlabeled query samples given a small amount of labeled support samples only. One major challenge of the few-shot learning problem is the large variety of object visual appearances that prevents the support samples to represent that object comprehensively. This might result in a significant difference between support and query samples, therefore undermining the performance of few-shot algorithms. In this paper, we tackle the problem by proposing Few-shot Cosine Transformer (FS-CT), where the relational map between supports and queries is effectively obtained for the few-shot tasks. The FS-CT consists of two parts, a learnable prototypical embedding network to obtain categorical representations from support samples with hard cases, and a transformer encoder to effectively achieve the relational map from two different support and query samples. We introduce Cosine Attention, a more robust and stable attention module that enhances the transformer module significantly and therefore improves FS-CT performance from 5% to over 20% in accuracy compared to the default scaled dot-product mechanism. Our method performs competitive results in mini-ImageNet, CUB-200, and CIFAR-FS on 1-shot learning and 5-shot learning tasks across backbones and few-shot configurations. We also developed a custom few-shot dataset for Yoga pose recognition to demonstrate the potential of our algorithm for practical application. Our FS-CT with cosine attention is a lightweight, simple few-shot algorithm that can be applied for a wide range of applications, such as healthcare, medical, and security surveillance. The official implementation code of our Few-shot Cosine Transformer is available at https://github.com/vinuni-vishc/Few-Shot-Cosine-Transforme

    Learning to recognise 3D human action from a new skeleton-based representation using deep convolutional neural networks

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    Recognising human actions in untrimmed videos is an important challenging task. An effective three-dimensional (3D) motion representation and a powerful learning model are two key factors influencing recognition performance. In this study, the authors introduce a new skeleton-based representation for 3D action recognition in videos. The key idea of the proposed representation is to transform 3D joint coordinates of the human body carried in skeleton sequences into RGB images via a colour encoding process. By normalising the 3D joint coordinates and dividing each skeleton frame into five parts, where the joints are concatenated according to the order of their physical connections, the colour-coded representation is able to represent spatio-temporal evolutions of complex 3D motions, independently of the length of each sequence. They then design and train different deep convolutional neural networks based on the residual network architecture on the obtained image-based representations to learn 3D motion features and classify them into classes. Their proposed method is evaluated on two widely used action recognition benchmarks: MSR Action3D and NTU-RGB+D, a very large-scale dataset for 3D human action recognition. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms previous state-of-the-art approaches while requiring less computation for training and prediction

    Video-based human action recognition using deep learning: a review

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    Human action recognition is an important application domain in computer vision. Its primary aim is to accurately describe human actions and their interactions from a previously unseen data sequence acquired by sensors. The ability to recognize, understand and predict complex human actions enables the construction of many important applications such as intelligent surveillance systems, human-computer interfaces, health care, security and military applications. In recent years, deep learning has been given particular attention by the computer vision community. This paper presents an overview of the current state-of-the-art in action recognition using video analysis with deep learning techniques. We present the most important deep learning models for recognizing human actions, analyze them to provide the current progress of deep learning algorithms applied to solve human action recognition problems in realistic videos highlighting their advantages and disadvantages. Based on the quantitative analysis using recognition accuracies reported in the literature, our study identies state-of-the-art deep architectures in action recognition and then provides current trends and open problems for future works in this led.This work was supported by the Cen-tre d'Etudes et d'Expertise sur les Risques, l'environnement la mobilité et l'aménagement (CEREMA) and the UC3M Conex-Marie Curie Program.No publicad

    Learning and Recognizing Human Action from Skeleton Movement with Deep Residual Neural Networks

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    This paper has been presented at 8th International Conference of Pattern Recognition Systems (ICPRS 2017).Automatic human action recognition is indispensable for almost artificial intelligent systems such as video surveillance, human-computer interfaces, video retrieval, etc. Despite a lot of progresses, recognizing actions in a unknown video is still a challenging task in computer vision. Recently, deep learning algorithms has proved its great potential in many vision-related recognition tasks. In this paper, we propose the use of Deep Residual Neural Networks (ResNets) to learn and recognize human action from skeleton data provided by Kinect sensor. Firstly, the body joint coordinates are transformed into 3D-arrays and saved in RGB images space. Five different deep learning models based on ResNet have been designed to extract image features and classify them into classes. Experiments are conducted on two public video datasets for human action recognition containing various challenges. The results show that our method achieves the state-of-the-art performance comparing with existing approachesThis work was supported by the Cerema Research Center and Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Sergio A. Velastin has received funding from the European Unions Seventh Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and demonstration under grant agreement No 600371, el Ministerio de EconomĂ­a, Industria y Competitividad (COFUND2013-51509) el Ministerio de EducaciĂłn, cultura y Deporte (CEI-15-17) and Banco Santander

    Skeletal Movement to Color Map: A Novel Representation for 3D Action Recognition with Inception Residual Networks

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    This paper has been presented at : 25th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)We propose a novel skeleton-based representation for 3D action recognition in videos using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (D-CNNs). Two key issues have been addressed: First, how to construct a robust representation that easily captures the spatial-temporal evolutions of motions from skeleton sequences. Second, how to design D-CNNs capable of learning discriminative features from the new representation in a effective manner. To address these tasks, a skeleton-based representation, namely, SPMF (Skeleton Pose-Motion Feature) is proposed. The SPMFs are built from two of the most important properties of a human action: postures and their motions. Therefore, they are able to effectively represent complex actions. For learning and recognition tasks, we design and optimize new D-CNNs based on the idea of Inception Residual networks to predict actions from SPMFs. Our method is evaluated on two challenging datasets including MSR Action3D and NTU-RGB+D. Experimental results indicated that the proposed method surpasses state-of-the-art methods whilst requiring less computation

    PlantKViT: A Combination Model of Vision Transformer and KNN for Forest Plants Classification

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    The natural ecosystem incorporates thousands of plant species and distinguishing them is normally manual, complicated, and time-consuming. Since the task requires a large amount of expertise, identifying forest plant species relies on the work of a team of botanical experts. The emergence of Machine Learning, especially Deep Learning, has opened up a new approach to plant classification. However, the application of plant classification based on deep learning models remains limited. This paper proposed a model, named PlantKViT, combining Vision Transformer architecture and the KNN algorithm to identify forest plants. The proposed model provides high efficiency and convenience for adding new plant species. The study was experimented with using Resnet-152, ConvNeXt networks, and the PlantKViT model to classify forest plants. The training and evaluation were implemented on the dataset of DanangForestPlant, containing 10,527 images and 489 species of forest plants. The accuracy of the proposed PlantKViT model reached 93%, significantly improved compared to the ConvNeXt model at 89% and the Resnet-152 model at only 76%. The authors also successfully developed a website and 2 applications called ‘plant id’ and ‘Danangplant’ on the iOS and Android platforms respectively. The PlantKViT model shows the potential in forest plant identification not only in the conducted dataset but also worldwide. Future work should gear toward extending the dataset and enhance the accuracy and performance of forest plant identification
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